Free downloads of PTV Logistics data

PTV Logistics test data, product descriptions and information material

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Digital boundaries

PTV Logistics Admin Boundaries Germany Detail

-> Test data         

PTV Logistics Postcode Boundaries Germany Detail

-> Test data         

PTV Logistics Boundaries

-> Test data    

PTV Logistics PLZ8 Germany

-> Test data        

Microgeographical data

PTV Logistics PLZ8 Germany XXL

-> Test data        

PTV Logistics Socio Streets

-> Test data         

PTV Logistics Data Grid

-> Test data        

Mobility data

PTV Logistics Validate

-> Test data         

PTV Logistics Work Route Matrix

-> Test data        

Points of interest

PTV Logistics Points of Sale (PoS)

-> Test data        

PTV Logistics Kindergarten

-> Test data         

PTV Logistics Schools

-> Test data        

PTV Logistics Fuel Price Data


Road networks

PTV Logistics Digital Data Streets

-> Test data (HERE)     

-> Test data (TomTom)       

Distance tables

PTV Logistics EWS Distance Tables

-> Test data       




Local and street directories

PTV Logistics Ortsdatei

-> Test data (Germany)        

-> Test data (Europe)        


PTV Logistics Street Directory

-> Test data       





-> Test version       









-> Product description


-> Product description



-> Product description


-> Product description


-> Product description



-> Product description         


-> Product description        



-> Product description        


-> Product description         


-> Product description        


-> Product description



-> Product description      




Product descriptions:      

-> PTV EWS      

-> PTV EWS Toll Germany     

-> PTV EWS Toll Austria



-> Product description        



Product descriptions:          

-> PTV Street Directory PLUS

-> Postcode Street Directory

-> House Number Street Directory



Due to the file size of approx. 2.7 GB, we recommend that you make sure you have sufficient bandwidth before downloading, otherwise the process may be interrupted.

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Phone +49 (0) 721 9651 400


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