PTV Data

Purchasing market data

Our offer includes not only spatial data, market data, street network data, socio-demographic and topographic data: We will also provide you with comprehensive advice on which data will best help you to achieve your goal.

Our supplier-neutral compilation can save you a large amount of money, as your system might not need time-consuming migration and customization, and you only purchase data for the section that is relevant to your business.

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Purchasing market data for effective marketing & territory planning

High-quality market data provides information about individual target groups in specific regions. These target groups can be either end consumers, trade or commerce. This is where objective market data comes into play: It helps to analyze target groups as well as the competition in order to identify undiscovered potential and opportunities in the market. MyPTV supports you in your demand level analysis for markets in Germany and Europe.

Who benefits from buying market data?

Companies and start-ups benefit significantly from a market analysis. In order to properly assess the success of products or services in different markets, detailed market data must be used. These objective facts provide assurance when planning new locations as well as sales optimization promotions. Market data can thus be used to create future-oriented, long-term supply models.

Purchasing MyPTV market data: These are the possible areas of use

Market data can be used to perform a variety of demand level analyses: For example, the composition of the population in different regions or countries can be analyzed, or the demand level of target groups in terms of age, family structure and income, or even the locations of companies, broken down by industry.

Market data therefore helps to gain insights for important investments and can also prove essential in the area of optimization of search engine advertising.

Which market data can be purchased?

The following market data can be bought from MyPTV for specific target-group campaigns:

  • Socio-demographic data: Analyze specific regions and target groups according to age groups, gender, income, households, etc.
  • Purchasing power data: Get data on consumption potential, including vacation purchasing power or new trends such as organic products.
  • Retail-specific data: Get an overview of, for example, retail sales, purchasing power by product category and more.
  • B2B market data: This gives you an insight into the regional distribution of commercial units for your location planning.
  • Purchasing behavior: Learn more about your consumers' lifestyle and value orientation.
  • Anonymous visitor frequencies & dynamic demographics: We can analyze anonymous, GPS-based app measurements and the movement of specific target groups throughout the day within an area.

These are the advantages offered by MyPTV market data:

At MyPTV, you can obtain market data both on a comprehensive coverage basis and also as a section for specific regions. Our data meets the highest standards and forms the optimum basis for important business decisions. MyPTV market data is:

  • Objective
  • Available for Germany, Europe and worldwide
  • Up-to-date: Updates are carried out at regular intervals.
  • Specific: It allows in-depth insights into the areas of purchasing power, socio-demographics and corporate structure
  • Tailored: Individual data analyses are available on request.

Purchase market data and create a secure basis

Get comprehensive data on your B2C and B2B markets now. With MyPTV you have the choice between complete data packages as well as the selection of custom-tailored information – we provide you with the necessary data.

This gives you confidence in your planning and makes the selection of locations, distribution of advertising material and direct marketing much clearer.

Learn more about the possibilities of analyzing your markets now.

Any questions? We are here for you!

Do you want to find out more about the PTV world of data? Get in touch with our team of experts using the online form or simply give us a call at:

Phone +49 721 91112-400


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